Search result - 39

31 - Al- Majalla Al Ahkam Al Adaliyyah

32 - Law no. (3) of 1996 for Telecommunications

33 - Law No. 2 of 1997 about The Palestinian Monetary Authority

34 - The Law of Execution No. (23) of 2005

35 - Law No. (21) of 2005 A.D. Concerning Consumer Protection

36 - The Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure Promulgated by Law No. 2 of 2001

37 - Decision in regards to Law number (9) for year 2010 For Banks

38 - Palestinian standards and measurements law

39 - Law on the Palestinian Federation of Industries And specialized industrial unions No (2) for the year 2006

40 - The Trademarks By-Law No. (1) for the year 1952

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