Law Name
Law Number
Search result - 8
1 - Decision of the Council of Ministers No.(6) of 2011 Regulating Buildings and Organization of Local Authorities.
Decision of the Council of Ministers No.(15) of 2020 Amending the Building and Organization System for Local Authorities No. (6) of 2011.
2 - Decree-Law No. (11) of 2016 Regarding Guaranteeing Rights in Movable Money.
3 - fire code
4 - Law No. (6) For The Year 1999 Concerning Tenders For Governmental Works
5 - Al- Majalla Al Ahkam Al Adaliyyah
6 - Law no. (3) of 1996 for Telecommunications
7 - The Law of Execution No. (23) of 2005
8 - The Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure Promulgated by Law No. 2 of 2001
Law Field
Civil, Enforcement and Administrative Legislations
Criminal Legislations
Industrial and Agriculture Legislations
Commercial Legislations
Financial Legislations
Incentive Packages
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